Interdependent Variable Control MIMO Process Trainer


The Dependent Variable MIMO Process Trainer is designed to understand the characteristics and
control of temperature and pressure on a closed tank, which is a common phenomenon in a chemical reaction system. The setup consists of hot air process tank fitted with pressure and temperature transmitters with necessary drain valve arrangements. The setup is designed to do single loop pressure control and temperature
control independently. The characteristics of pressure vs. temperature and vice versa can also be studied. The tank pressure is measured and regulated using a control valve. The control valve operates on a 3 to 15 psi pressure signal and is fitted on the output side of the tank. A Current to pressure (I/P) converter is used to convert the output of the controller (4-20mA) to the signal pressure. The tank is also fitted with a heater. The
heater supply is controlled using a solid state relay. This system can be operated as a MIMO process by simultaneous control of both control valve and the heater supply. The process parameters are controlled by a data acquisition system. These units along with necessary piping are fitted on the support frame. The setup is
designed for standalone structure and access. User friendly software will be supplied along with the hardware to perform different set of experiments as given below.


User friendly executable software will be supplied along with the hardware to perform different set of experiments as mentioned above. The software is simple to install and interface with data export to excel, graph export as jpeg and other handful options to visualize and control the process parameters. A user guide will also
be included in the software with step by step experimentation procedure to perform the experiments. Necessary additional files will be provided to interface PC with LabVIEW and Matlab to access the data from the
DAQ unit. Software support will be provided to execute user defined advanced control algorithms using LabVIEW / Matlab.

Product Specifications

List of Experiments & Components

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