Renewable Energy Trainer Key Features

  • Optimal angle application for solar cells
  • Understanding the characteristics of solar cells
  • Investigating the effects of different types of shading
  • Determining the effects of a bypass diode
  • Explaining the effects of a blocking diode
  • Verifying various connection applications in solar cells
  • Application of a wind turbine
  • Varying turbine load
  • Inspecting breaking effects


  • Optimal angle application for solar cells
  • Understanding the characteristics of solar cells
  • Investigating the effects of different types of shading
  • Determining the effects of a bypass diode
  • Explaining the effects of a blocking diode
  • Verifying various connection applications in solar cells
  • Application of a wind turbine
  • Varying turbine load
  • Inspecting breaking effects


  • Examining the Relationship Between Wind Velocity and Wind Turbine
  • Output Voltage (Non-Loaded Operation)
  • Examining the Relationship Between Wind Velocity and Wind Turbine
  • Output Voltage (Loaded Operation)
  • Examining the Wind Turbine Output Voltage Examining the Wind Turbine Output Voltage By Using a DAQ Module
  • Examining the Wind Energy System


  • Examining the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Output Current with Oscilloscope
  • Examining the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Output Current with DAQ Module
  • Plot U-I curve and understand the behavior of the fuel cell system
  • Calculate the efficiency of the hydrogen system


  • Photovoltaic System Experiments
  • Examining the Effect of Mismatching on Photovoltaic Panels
  • Examining the Effect of Blocking Diodes on Photovoltaic Panels
  • Examining the Photovoltaic Panel Emulator
  • Photovoltaic System Experiments
  • Direct Loading of the Photovoltaic Panel
  • Engaging the Off-Grid Inverter (No-Load Operation)
  • Setting up the Basic Photovoltaic System (DC Load)Setting up the Basic Photovoltaic System (AC Load)
  • Examining the OFF_GRID Inverter Output Signal By Using the DAQ Module
  • Measuring the OFF_GRID Inverter Output Signal By Using an Energy Analyser
  • Measuring the Energy Received from the OFF_GRID Inverter.
  • Measuring the OFF_GRID Inverter Output Power and Efficiency
  • OFF_GRID Inverter SCADA Application
  • Examining the ON_GRID Inverter


  • Photovoltaic Panel Experiments
  • Photovoltaic Panel Open Circuit Voltage Measurement
  • Photovoltaic Panel Short Circuit Current Measurement
  • Determining Photovoltaic Panel Current Voltage Characteristics
  • Examining the Non-Loaded Output Voltage of the Photovoltaic Panel
  • Depending on Daily Solar Movements
  • Examining the Loaded Output Voltage of the Photovoltaic Panel
  • Depending on Daily Solar Movements
  • Depending on Seasonal Changes
  • Examining the Series Connection in Photovoltaic Panels
  • Examining the Parallel Connection in Photovoltaic Panels
  • Examining the Photovoltaic Panel Simulator
  • Examining the Effect of Shadow on Photovoltaic Panels
  • Examining the Effect of Bypass Diodes on Photovoltaic Panels
  • Examining the Effect of Mismatching on Photovoltaic Panels
  • Examining the Effect of Blocking Diodes on Photovoltaic Panels
  • Examining the Photovoltaic Panel Emulator

To Download the following kindly contact sales at

Product Brochure

Experiments Abstract

EC Certificate 

Experiments Guide

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