I/P and P/I Converter Trainer


The setup is designed to understand the basic principles of electronic and pneumatic signal conversion. The setup consists of I/P converter, P/I converter, digital calibrator, pressure gauges and air regulator and air filter regulator. The Digital calibrator is used as current source to supply 4-20 mA DC to I/P converter and to
measure the output current in mA DC from P/I converter. I/P converter gives the output as 3-15 psig and P/I converter gives output as 4-20 mA DC. All the components along with necessary piping and fittings are mounted on support housing designed for tabletop mounting. Set-up enables study of I/P and P/I converter working,
calibration and characteristics of linearity, hysteresis, accuracy, and repeatability.


  • Table mounted set-up

  • Compact and simple to operate Nonlinear process plant behavior analysis

  • Digital calibrator

  • Combined set up for study of I/P and P/I converter

Range of Experiments

  • Study of flapper nozzle system 
  • Study of working principle & calibration procedure of I/P converter
  • Study of working principle & calibration procedure of P/I converter
  • Study of Linearity, Hysteresis, Accuracy and Repeatability of I/P converter
  • Study of Linearity, Hysteresis, Accuracy and Repeatability of P/I converter

Product Specifications

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